Thursday, February 20, 2014

Are People Eating Human Bodies and Don't Even Know It? | Hammer Magazine Research Team Demands The TRUTH! And so should you!

"Where's the beef?"
This was a catchphrase in the United States and Canada. The phrase originated as a slogan for the fast food chain Wendy's. But could we be gearing up to say to the world of burger business, "Where Are Our Babies or What Have You Done With Them?"
About 10 million people go missing in the U.S and U.K alone. Out of this figure half a million are never found. Some of these people are victims of crimes but some people who simply walked away from their homes and never came back. The United States Department of Justice estimates that over 700,000 children go missing each year. Most of those missing are from family abductions. According to David Krajicek who reported in his article America's Missing on
This report is not for the weak. This contains images that may not suit everyone. We are warning you in advance. Our intentions is to share with you from our research of these horrific crimes that are happening and being reported about. We don't expect you to believe anything we share with you. That is up to you. All we ask is that you go investigate what we share with you and see if it fits the description correctly.

"Reports of missing persons have increased sixfold in the past 25 years, from roughly 150,000 in 1980 to about 900,000 this year. The increase was driven in part by the country's growing population. But the numbers also indicate that law enforcement treats the cases more seriously now, including those of marginalized citizens.An astounding 2,300 Americans are reported missing every day, including both adults and children.But only a tiny fraction of those are stereotypical abductions or kidnappings by a stranger.For example, the federal government counted 840,279 missing persons cases in 2001. All but about 50,000 were juveniles, classified as anyone younger than 18."

Where are the the body's? These are very high numbers of missing human beings. And  being that a current world population live counter has recently indicated that the total population on the earth has reached 7 billion. We must asked this question, how can there be so many  people missing and no one out of the 7 billion or more people on the earth knows anything about it? Let us introduce you to a Jewish Rabbi who you may want to really listen to since many people  feel they are reliable resource any way.  Check out this interview with Jewish Zionist Rabbi Abe Finkelstein with a Christian Rabbi Abe Finkelstein , where the Rabbi admits the following in Part 5:

"We steal a hundred to three hundred thousand children a year, just here in this country and we drain their blood and we mix it with the passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own and we grind up all the bodies into sausages and hamburgers, McDonalds is one of our favourite outlets and the people, they eat it them for breakfast they eat them for lunch."

Here is a video of a woman preparing a woman's placenta  for a meal. Watch and share your thoughts.

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